hudsonTracker - Screenshots
Runs in the system tray
hudsonTracker runs in your system tray. If all the projects are building successfully, then the icon will be blue. You can double click this icon to launch the Hudson homepage in your browser
hudsonTracker runs in your menu bar. If all the projects are building successfully, then the 'hT' in the icon will be white. You can double click this icon to launch the Hudson homepage in your browser
hudsonTracker running in Linux (Ubuntu). (Thanks for the screenshot Ryan :)
Notifies you of failures
On the rare occasion *cough*, when a project fails its build, the hudsonTracker icon will be red. A message will also display, indicating the failed project(s).
On a mac, the 'hT' in the icon will go grey. A message will also display (using Growl if it's installed), indicating the failed project(s).
Shows you Hudson projects in the menu
Right clicking on the tray icon (left clicking for Mac users), will display the menu shown. The top menu items are the list of Hudson projects. Clicking on a failed project will launch Hudson in your browser and view the failed build. Below the seperator are the hudsonTrackor controls. You can click 'Refresh' to force a refresh.
Point it to Hudson
Use the configuration panel to configure hudsonTracker. This is shown automatically the first time you run the application, and can be accessed again via the popup menu.